A set of floor tiles produced in Coalville. Image by Rob Higgins.
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Free Public Talk – Decorative Tiles From Coalville: Victorian Excellence

Join us for a free talk by Rob Higgins titled ‘Decorative Tiles From Coalville: Victorian Excellence’.

Local supplies of coal and clay made Coalville an important centre of brick and roof tile manufacture. Alongside this, in the second half of the 19th century, the production of decorative tiles flourished. Their uses included floors, walls, fireplaces, washstands, with them being used in peoples’ homes as well as public buildings such as churches. This industry was important not only locally but more widely, winning international awards. Rob will talk about the history of Coalville’s tile industry, the role of women in tile manufacture, and Coalville’s role in the eventual abolition of child labour.

Rob Higgins loves old tiles, and researches their history. He has published a number of books and articles, and is Treasurer of the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society.

The evening will begin at 6pm with a wine reception and a chance to view the tile exhibition. The talk will start at 6.45pm, and finish by 8pm.

This event is free thanks to the support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Though the event is free, booking is essential. Book your place here:

You may also be interested our talk on October 3rd: ‘George Smith: The Children’s Friend‘. You can find more information on our Tile Exhibition here.