Hill Hole
Now known as Hill Hole, this site has had many different names over the years. An old name was Windmill Hill, and a drawing by the Buck brothers from 1743 depicts a windmill at the summit. Other historic names for Hill Hole include Markfield Knowle, and Knoll Hill.

Layers of Heritage
Discover Hill Hole's Story
Visit Hill Hole to peel back the layers of heritage here. Delve back to 560 million years ago when the rock Markfieldite was formed, then journey through the industrial revolution and the site’s quarrying past, before learning about the plants and animals that call this nature reserve home today.
The Geopark has invested in three interpretation panels at this site. The locations are marked on the map opposite, and the What Three Words for each panel are given below:
Geology Panel: ///DEEDS.COACH.MOLARS

A former quarry, this nature reserve contains a number of different habitats, and superb outcrops of Markfieldite – a hard igneous rock used historically to make kerbstones and setts. Keep an eye open for them when walking down the Victorian streets of London. The trig-point has stunning views; on a clear day you can see the centre of Birmingham.
A small car park is available for visitors on Hill Lane, Markfield.
This site is owned by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.